The first impression can be very deceiving because the truth usually comes after. My first visit to Red Hook was not appealing. As I was looking on the site I saw sadness I thought there was nothing good there. I had to return in a bright Saturday morning to assist the sun raise that caused me to see life instead of sadness. This collage represents my second impression of the site.
There are a variety of thing that can cause anyone to be connected to the side such as transportation, stores, groceries, recreational center, school, restaurant and bar. As I was walking in the area I saw people uses all of these facilities.
As I was working down the street,the emptiness make me realize a nature center mind be a perfect project for this area where violence is at a high level. The motive of my project is to revive the neighborhood of Red Hook. Red Hook was a flourishing place full of life and excitement. The place of Red Hook holds great history. In addition the place possesses its natural beauties like the waterfront. However, now Red Hook has become a place in desperate need of repair. People have simply forgotten Red Hook’s identity. I want to erect the nature center in Red Hook as a means of rejuvenation. The nature center would compose green area and a roof garden adding to Red Hook’s natural beauty. In addition, the nature center would contain a library, a restaurant, and a movie theater. This will be an attraction to people from other communities. In addition the nature center would be of benefit for the residents in Red Hook. The nature center would be a family orientated environment where families could unite in reading books or simply enjoy a movie. This is my dream and program for the nature center.