Monday, May 20, 2013










Monday, April 15, 2013

Technically a building is just materials that are placed one on top of the other. However, I wanted the nature center to stand greater than just a building. I wanted it to develop a voice and speak to its surrounding and to its viewers. A voice of comfort, peace and of love that bring life to the community of Red Hook. In this attempt I originally chose the third hybrid model. However, a charm was missing in this model.  It was lacked the connection that brought the pieces together. My professor advised me to think about a different model. The third model was simply not enough. I reflected on the hybrid models and thought deeply about the environment of Red Hook. I wanted a model which will embrace the romance of Red Hook and will provide warmth to its visitors. Lastly, I chose the second model because of its simplicity and the connection which spoke to both Red Hook and its visitors.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Study and Hybrid Models

The essence of my project is nature. My idea is originated from three different collages that I made. My impression collage has an eye that symbolizes life, beauty and appreciation.  By examining the collage it is extremely clear to see connection. However, I will concentrate more on the third one which is the program collage.
As I have said before my project is a nature center. From my previous models, one of my professors was not so happy with them because she wanted me to allow the place to inspire me. Last Saturday, I went to the place and sat down peacefully. I let the place speak to me. From my deep meditation about the place, ideas started to flow down from my mind like a river that is running with love. As I think about the models I come up with this new model that represent all three collages. As one can see there are a lot of movements within it that represent the ocean.

Hybrid Model

As I am looking at the study model, I said to myself, how a shelter can come from out of the tree. I tried to make a shape out of a tree. This the way I come with these little steady models because I need a shelter to fit the program that I have for the nature center. The trunk of the tree can represent the vertical circulation within it. As I am looking at the area, it looks very deserted, and that is why I come with a ramp that can give access to everyone.

Program Collage

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


As I was reflecting on the different elements of nature, after having decided to construct a nature center, different words were jumping out of my head. I was wondering how I would construct the models from these random words. After reviewing my plan I notice each word represented a part of the nature center in one way or the other. It is this blend of these different compartments which join to create the nature center.

    Nature is defined as being a phenomenon. It is indeed. In my impression collage there are various photos of trees and plants. It is amazing how a plant which can stand feet tall can come from a tiny seed. This is why I chose a seed germinating as my model. Regardless of how mysterious nature is we have learned to appreciate and admire it. In my nature center I wanted to include a roof garden. A roof garden is environmentally friendly. Also, through the roof garden we can reinforce the idea of eating healthy.
        Union is crucial for families and in turn communities, which is just a group of families which resides in an area. Without the presence of union a family is just individuals and nothing greater. Without union a community is just a collection of houses. To greater unite the resides and families within Red Hook I chose to include a movie theater and a restaurant in the nature center. It will be an entertaining site for people to unite to share a laugh and enjoy one another’s presence. For my model I was inspired from my connection collage where there were a photo of various colors and shapes interlocked to create an image.
 Beauty  To represent beauty I made a model of a flower. The nature center will be an element of beauty because of what it represents. It represents family, togetherness, and education. Each type of flower also have a message and representation. In my impression collage there are various flowers uniting to create a peaceful image.
What is knowledge? That is a question we cannot truly answer. It is so grand and boundless. Knowledge is like the sun and the moon. The sun is one star, but it delivers light to the whole earth and it’s in the center of the solar system. Knowledge has proven to be a light and is it’s one of the central concepts necessary to human’s survival. Knowledge is a light everyone is fighting to get a hold of. In the impression collage there various lights including the moon and the brightness of the day (sun). This is why I chose to include a library in the nature center. The library will be a resourceful place for the community to unite and read books or conduct research. Since the library is located near the green grass, the people of the community can enjoy the view of the sun and nature while indulging in a book.
 Transition is the matter of change from one order to another. The presence of void, hallways, ramps, and levels are all methods of transition which will allow the visitors to move from one space to another
Everything contains a level of organization. In the impression collage shapes and colors were used to compose and visually organize the images. The main source of organization for the nature center will be the offices.

Simplicity is the wind. It’s the capacity to have a strong effect while not being extravagant and overpowering. In the impression collage there is an image of a lady with her dress slightly being blown by the invisible wind. This is why for my model I chose a veil being directed by the swing of the wind.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



The first impression can be very deceiving because the truth usually comes after. My first visit to Red Hook was not appealing. As I was looking on the site I saw sadness I thought there was nothing good there. I had to return in a bright Saturday morning to assist the sun raise that caused me to see life instead of sadness. This collage represents my second impression of the site.

                                                             CONNECTION COLLAGE

There are a variety of thing that can cause anyone to be connected to the side such as transportation, stores, groceries, recreational center, school, restaurant and bar. As I was walking in the area I saw people uses all of these facilities.

                                                          PROGRAM OF MY PROJECT 

As I was working down the street,the emptiness make me realize a nature center mind be a perfect project for this area where violence is at a high level. The motive of my project is to revive the neighborhood of Red Hook. Red Hook was a flourishing place full of life and excitement. The place of Red Hook holds great history. In addition the place possesses its natural beauties like the waterfront. However, now Red Hook has become a place in desperate need of repair. People have simply forgotten Red Hook’s identity. I want to erect the nature center in Red Hook as a means of rejuvenation. The nature center would compose green area and a roof garden adding to Red Hook’s natural beauty. In addition, the nature center would contain a library, a restaurant, and a movie theater. This will be an attraction to people from other communities. In addition the nature center would be of benefit for the residents in Red Hook. The nature center would be a family orientated environment where families could unite in reading books or simply enjoy a movie. This is my dream and program for the nature center.

Monday, March 11, 2013

List of Spaces, Matrix, Bubble Diagram

   I had a vision for Red Hook Natural Center. I wanted Red Hook Nature center to be an education and entertaining site. In order to accomplish this goal, I developed a list space for the Red Hook Nature Center. The List space contained an educational room like a library and entertaining spaces like a movie theater and a restaurant. The list space embodies how education and entertainment can coexist.
-Entry vestibul
-Gift Shop
-Temporal Exhibition room
-Permanent Exhibition Room
- Kitchen
-Movie Theater/Auditorium
-Stock Room
-Seminar Room
-Staff Dining And Meeting Room
-Gathering Room
-Multipurpose Room

This list give the opportunity to create an adjency Matrix and a Criteria Matrix.

      According to the list space, I developed a matrix diagram. I wanted the people who visited the Red Hook Nature Center to have a convenient time as they exit and enter different spaces. My goal was to create a matrix diagram that flows from one space to another and displayed a unified appearance.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Site Analysis

Red Hook is one of the uniques place in america. Our group discovered that by visiting Red Hook, we walked its streets so we can have a first-hand interaction with the area. We took pictures of the buildings and natural elements that dwelled there. Then, we did a site analysis of Red Hook. We researched its rich history, the importance of its location, the commerce that existed there, the climate of the area, and many more elements, which gave us a well-rounded knowledge of Red Hook.